Please find the Practical Information below

  • A referral from a GP (huisarts) is not needed.
  • The fee per session (50 min) depends on your occupational status (e.g. student/employed/un-employed) as well as whether you may be reimbursed by your insurance. Depending on your insurance policy, you may be eligible for reimbursement. I recommend contacting your insurance company about your policy and potential coverage. In other words, I employ a sliding scale for optimal fairness in pricing.

Would you like to know more about my practice?

Do not hesitate to give me a call or send a whatsapp message to: +31(0)614736117

Also, You can send an email to or use the contact form.

Complaint Procedure

  • If you are dissatisfied, you can let me know and I will do my best to accommodate you to your satisfaction.
  • Should you still remain dissatisfied, you can file a complaint with the NIP (Dutch Institute of Psychologists) or with the P3NL, which also oversees the quality of services provided by NIP psychologists (my NIP registration number is 228307).
  • For further instructions follow the following links:
    Brief description of the complaint procedure
    Complete instructions on how to file a complaint